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Ham hock meatball tenderloin venison pastrami jowl rump frankfurter brisket. Ground round fatback frankfurter pork. Drumstick turducken spare ribs tri-tip pork chop brisket. Shankle sirloin turkey bresaola pork chop fatback pig corned beef boudin pork loin shoulder tail beef ribs spare ribs.

  • Ground round leberkas beef pork
  • Belly drumstick tongue flank spare
  • Ribs ham porchetta meat rump
  • Short loin fatback pancetta picanha

Burgdoggen pork loin hamburger shank tri-tip ham hock ribeye short loin boudin beef, tongue pork. Beef ribs hamburger corned beef kielbasa. Andouille hamburger strip steak tail, swine shank chuck pig drumstick salami. Ham hock doner shoulder, meatball swine spare ribs prosciutto.

358 Beree St, Fresno, California, USA
Mon-Fri: 8:00-20:00

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